Me: Why Me God?
This was one of the questions that I asked when I was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017. It didn’t make sense. I got an annual mammogram every year since I was 40. I didn’t have a history of breast cancer, yet I was 50 years old diagnosed with breast cancer that had spread to my lymph nodes. I had to have a little talk with Jesus and He answered me in small subtle ways.
He spoke through my Sister Circle when they gave me an edible arrangement with a note that said, “You’ve been assigned this mountain to show others that it can be moved.” I took the card literally, accepted my assignment and prayerfully pushed through my healing journey unsure of what God was going to do, yet trusting Him in the midst of it all. On the one-year anniversary of my diagnosis, God inspired me to start Sadie Strong, a nonprofit breast cancer support program that promotes the early detection of breast cancer and inspires healthy lifestyles to women in Buffalo, New York.
As I neared the 4-year anniversary of my healing, I was approached by a woman at a party. We met years prior, yet our paths didn’t cross often. She pulled me to the side and shared her news about her diagnosis. I had compassion and empathy for what she was going through. Her story was similar to mine. She was diagnosed after a routine annual mammogram and thankfully caught the disease early. We talked about the process, losing our hair, some of the challenges that she will face going through breast cancer treatments and my testimony that God IS a Healer! She said that she and her husband follow me on social media and were inspired by my story. I was humbled. I encouraged her to call me and stay connected during her healing journey. As we talked, I reflected on that note, “You’ve been assigned this mountain to show others that it can be moved.” Look at God! I walked away from that conversation smiling, rejoicing and thanking God for healing my friend and for using me to be a blessing to others.
Me: Why Me God?
God: It’s not about you. It never was. It is about Me and drawing others to Me through you. I’ve got you. Just trust and believe.
Some things that we go through are way bigger than you and I or our circumstances. Sometimes our situation is a part of our assignment. We have to trust God and be faithful, obedient, prayed up and prepared. God will do the rest. God will never leave us or forsake us. There is nothing too big for God!
~ Sharon “Sadie” Sanford
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